Engineering Articles2021-06-20T23:29:04+00:00

Do You Have A Construction Project We Can Help With?

Quality Assurance & Six Sigma

Non-Destructive Resonant TestingDestructive Torque & Tensile testingOn-site Metallurgical LaboratoryQualified Metallurgical Analysis There is a science and an art to PM Quality – we have both. Our employee owners are deeply committed to

By |Why ASCO|

Tooling & Compacting

4 to 220 Tons Pressing capacityFluidized Die cavity fillingReal time Press Force monitoringMulti-Cavity Tool Designs A controlled amount of mixed powder is automatically gravity fed into a precision die and is compacted. This is

By |Why ASCO|

Engineering & Design

Collaborative Design Solid Modelling Simulation Prototype 3D Printing Breakthrough Designs Our strongest value-add to our customers is our engineering capability supported by the skill and commitment of our employee-owners.ASCO practices Collaborative Product

By |Why ASCO|

Building Inspiring Spaces

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